Getting Started


Graph Portal needs Java 1.8 (or later) installed in your computer. You can access the portal by any modern browser like Chrome, Fire Fox, Internet Explorer, Safari etc.

The Full Binary Distribution of Graph Portal comes with OrientDb graph database server and Tomcat application server. If you are not using the Full Distribution, you should have access to an OrientDb server and a Tomcat server in your computer.

Note: If you have OrientDb and/or Tomcat already in your computer (or network), you can install just the WAR file. You may have to change the configuration file to point to your servers.

Easy out-of-the-box Installation

This approach is the easiest way to install the product. This step uses the full binary distribution. Since it contains both OrientDb server and Tomcat server, the size of the distribution will be larger. Once downloaded, you don't need anything other than Java 1.8 (or later) to get the product installed.

  1. Download the Full Binary Distribution to your computer (
  2. Extract the contents from downloaded archive to a directory
  3. Run the install script in graph-home/bin (
  4. Start the database server (graph-home/bin/
  5. Start the application server (graph-home/bin/
  6. Access the portal at http://localhost:8080/graph-web/#/home using your browser

Custom WAR installation

In some cases, users may already have the application servers and database servers installed in their computers. In such cases they can just download the WAR distribution. If WAR distribution is used, the configuration file must be updated to point to the application and database servers.

  1. Download the WAR Binary Distribution to your computer (
  2. Extract the contents from downloaded archive to a directory
  3. Update the configuration file to update the database URL, server URL and context-root (conf/
  4. Run the install script (graph-home/bin/
  5. Start the database server, if not started already
  6. Start the application server, if not started already
  7. Access the portal at http://localhost:/context_root using your browser

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