Getting Started

To start generating application you must first have the entity model ready. The input to the App Gen tool is the details of entities, fields and lookups.


Before you start using the Application Code Generator you must register yourself in If you are registering for a project for a company you work for, you must also selected the company from the list. If the company is not in the list, please provide the details of the company. All the registered employees of the company will be able to view all the projects created for the company.

Create Project/Application

Next step is to create a project (Application) Please give a unique name for the project in the company.

Configure Project/Application

After the project is created you can configure the project for your application. Most of the work on the project lies in the configuration. You have add all entities, fields for each entity and all look ups used for dropdowns (HTML select). After saving the changes, click the Validate button to see if all the configuration information are valid. The project can be generated only if the configuration is valid.

Submit for Application Generation

After all the information is entered and validated, you can submit the project for generation. The project will be generated and emailed to you within one working day.


Once you receive the application code, you can deploy it to a JEE application server (e.g., Tomcat). You may have to customize the application to match your needs. The minimum change needed is to change the database connection information in src/main/resources/META-INF/persistence.xml

My Account

You can view all your project generation requests, invoices and your profile in My Account page.

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